Why do I see a white screen when I’m using URL Forwarding?

If you see a white screen while using framed forwarding it is likely that your target website does not support this functionality. We recommend either switching your forwarding method or using DNS.

Alternatively, you could contact your hosting provider and ask if they are able to allow this functionality.

If you want to run your own name servers on your free domain name you need to know the name of the servers.

For example:


You need to have at least two name servers in which
you can setup your domain.

To add or modify the Nameservers of a domain please go to:

My Domains > Manage Domain > Management Tools > Nameservers

Enter your own Nameservers (minimum 2, maximum 5) and select Change Nameservers.

It can take up to 30 minutes before the name
server changes are distributed within our DNS servers.

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