Can my domain be de-activated?

Yes, having a FREE domain name does not give you the legal registrant rights. Freenom allows you to use your chosen domain name for a period of 1 to 12 months.

You will receive an email reminder 14 days before expiry date to renew your domain name. It can be that the email will go into your Junk mail, so please make sure to keep track when your domain name will expire.

If you do not renew your domain name before its expiry date then your registration will be cancelled.

Free renewals of FREE domains are allowed in the last 15 days of each registration period. If your website is down for a prolonged period or if your content is unacceptable or not visible then the domain will be cancelled.

Your domain name might then become automatically available for other registrants to register either as a free or as a paid registration.

If you have a PAID domain name and do not respect our Terms and Conditions for PAID domain names we ill give us the right to de-activate your domain. use your Freenom services for any unlawful purposes, including but not limited to:

- child pornography
- child entrapment or abuse
- advocacy of hatred
- bigotry or violence towards persons or groups on the basis of their religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other immutable characteristics,
- theft of email service
- or as a source of unsolicited bulk email or as an address to use for replying to unsolicited bulk email
- or in violation of our policies with respect to spamming or otherwise abusing free search engine services

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